Awesome PRAY FOR DEATH custom figure

posted in: 3 - Toys and Merch | 2


Renowned customizer of Star Wars and G.I.Joe 3.75″ figures Obi Shinobi created this great Sho Kosugi figure from the finale of Pray for Death.

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Love the dragon helmet’s articulation!

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Obi Shinobi also crafted this nifty  scale diorama of a classic ninja vs. samurai encounter.


I have a hard enough time making 12″ kit-bashed figures look half-decent, and am just blown away by the folks who can do this smaller toys in such detail.

2 Responses

  1. Obi-Shinobi

    Many thanks for the honor of gracing this wonderful site!

  2. Ryoma

    Wow, I want the figures so much….

    By the way, how about this one? An extremely exquisite miniature of the YOROI armor as Japanese SAKE bottle hold:
    The site says the bottle hold is made by a real YOROI manufacturer in Japan.
    Please check it out if you are interested.
