Looking forward to a return to form in February…

posted in: 7 - Ninja Miscelany | 4

Y’know that place you have to go to during the day where people make you do stuff, and then give you money so you can pay your rent and shit? Well, my decidedly non-ninja-riffic PAYING career really kicked my ass in December and January. Coming out the other side of huge deadlines and 8-day weeks now though, so VN will go back to regular updates come February.

In the meantime, while doing some emergency house cleaning on an old computer, I found these:

Way back… like 2005 or so… I had this silly notion of PRINT still being viable and adapting the old Ninja80 website into square-bound manga-sized ‘zines. Mocked up some kind nice covers, too.

I’m a much happier puppy pushing out stuff online though, and while I would certainly entertain a book offer from another publisher, my days of losing my own shirt and lugging books to the post office are long gone.

I do miss designing book covers though…


4 Responses

  1. shonokin

    If you wanted to make magazines or books, more for fun than profit, but without loosing your shirt, have you thought of using lulu.com?

    Also, I wonder if you or any of VN’s readers would know if there is any of the original fiction that Kaiketsu Kurozukin and/or Kurama Tengu are based on have ever been translated to English.

    And one last thing, while searching for “Hitomi Takagaki” the author of “Kaiketsu Kurozukin” I came across this pretty cool gallery of vintage images. I don’t know what exactly they are from but am guessing they are cards or stills associated with a TV series that ran from 1958-60 starring Genichiro Yamaga.

  2. mark covell

    First off, I’m pissed because I really thought this was an available book for a second. However I realize the giant pain in the ass logistics of putting a book together like that. Having said that, we REALLY need this book to exist !!!!

  3. krainville

    Having been through a couple decades of DIY publishing in various forms, I’m now really enjoying the freedom and flexibility of online efforts. It feels more like the hobby it needs to be for me, so I’m in no rush to self-publish paper again. In addition, the P.O.D. image quality isn’t quite there for me…

    As for translated Kurozukin, I’d love to fine some of that myself.

    Many thanks for the link to those old menko cards, too. Fantastic hand-plotted colors there!

  4. krainville

    Thanks for the compliment. Rights clearances are the biggest obstacle, and I’m actually without a translator right now, so yeah, that logistics hump is not something I’m going to tackle soon.

    Not ruling it out entirely, though…