I have a non-subbed copy of a movie called Ninjutsu Suikoden Inazuma Kotengu, and boy is this a nifty little flick! I know it’s from 1958, Toei Studios, directed by Masaharu Matsumura, starring Chiyonosuke Azuma and Yumiko Hasegawa… and NOTHING else.
But, this being the height of Masks and Monsters Month, here’s a couple dozen caps of the coolest masked scenes:
Optical effects in this movie represent magic breaking the physical planes of time and space. Wizards come and go with swirling kalliedescopes of color. Several confrontations take place in other-worldly dreamscapes and shadow dimensions. And the masks seem to empower the sorcerers to greater good and evil.

Tomorrow, more masks and magic from this film, and a cameo by a creature favorite!