Anyone local to Burbank, CA, I’m set-up for the weekend at an, admittedly off-topic, convention called MONSTERPALOOZA. I’m having a “monster-kid” yard sale of sorts, selling off a bunch of collectibles, toys and movie memorabilia from storage.
The highlight of this monster movie and special-efect make-up con is an incredibly rare appearance by the original Godzilla himself, Haruo Nakajima! He’s donating proceeds of autographed prints and photos to quake and tsunami relief, too.
Alas, if you can’t make it, I encourage you to revisit (or visit for the first time, for you new folk) some of our monster-related posts here, as a consolation:
Ninja vs. Yeti in Strike of the Jaguma!
Select Toys “Ninja Defenders” – Monsters in Masks!
Sakuya Yokaiden – swordgirl cutie and her ninja pals vs. the monsters!
And for a metric ton of other ninja-on-monster action, check out the archived “Monsters and Masks Months” from 2009 and 2010. Every October we go monster-crazy and highlight the surprising middle ground the creature feature shares with shinobi cinema.