“Ninjas All Over the Place”

TORMENT is not having enough wall space to display all the cool art and vintage posters in your collection, and friends, I am a tormented soul. I’ve got enough ninja movie posters to wallpaper my place twice over, more than half of which are in storage. So, I can’t even let myself make eye contact with amazingness like this:



Scott Campell‘s “Ninjas All Over the Place” (this link goes to a blog post from the artist with multiple close-ups) was done for the superb Gallery Nucleus, specifically their 2007 ninja art show.  This piece shows both a knowledge of the film genre (some Magic Serpent-y critters in there) and classic Japanese art.

The original sold for $2800, but 42×12″prints can be had for $150 here. (prices posted as a not-so-subtle hint to any potential readers out there looking for a christmas gift for someone like… ME!)

Do a search of the word “ninja” in the Nucleus home page header, and you’ll get a page with tons of available originals and prints. I like this Khang Le print, a very affordable 13×19″ version of which is for sale here.


Campell is a great artist, and a search through his blog will prove it. Nucleus did the ninja show in 2005 and 2007, here’s hoping for another.