Was contacted by the good folks behind the semi-historical espionage-action-comedy thing that is Norwegian Ninja. This one’s a bit of a head scratcher, but I’m intrigued as hell. Read the Wiki for the low down on the controversial property. Twitch has also been following these guys closely.
Official site with teaser trailer is here. Hey, anything with this many broom handle Mausers and ninja weapons in it has got to be worth a look!
All this talk of snowbound shinobi is giving me flashbacks to that Swedish/Russian/Polish clusterfuck we all knew and hated as The Ninja Mission back in the 80’s! Oh the haircuts, the bad costumes., the machine guns with laser sound effects, the lousy martial arts and the worse accents! For those of us starved for legit Japanese martial arts actioners during the 80’s craze, this thing just did NOT deliver on any front…
The user reviews at IMDB on Ninja Mission show the arc of hate-to-cult devotion this movie gets. I also like the short review at Deathwish Industries, too.
This film ain’t no Polish. I’m Polish, and the only Polish ninja film is Polish Ninja: The Last Bullet 2 http://www.plan9.art.pl/opis_npl1.html 😉