It is yet again ComiCon week down in San Diego. Yet while the nerd-world’s attention is hyper-focused on the breaking news and goings-on of the convention, its core reason for existence — the comic book industry — is increasingly irrelevant, and generally in the shitter, despite some great material being created. A refugee of the industry myself, I feel for the creators still putting ink to paper and trying to make a go of it, both down at Con and in the increasingly fragile industry in general.
To show some solidarity with the comic book windmill-tilters of the world, here’s a collection of some of the better comics-related features we’ve run over the year.
Enjoy, and if inspired, go buy some comics — preferably indie ones…
The pointy hood of Mitsuteru Yokoyama’s KAGEMARU
Yugoslavia’s Kamakura (Part 1 and Part 2)
From the creator of GOLGO 13… ZANPEI KUMOTORI
HENSHIN NINJA ARASHI in manga form and… its copious monsters
Airborne combat as depicted in KAMUI
Remembering the uber-80s-ness of RAVEN TENGU KABUTO

KANA, The Invincible Fighting Machine — DC’s unsung wartime hooded hero

The hidden history of the ground-breaking Judo Master