Best of vintage ninja COMICS for Comic-Con week…

posted in: 2 - Books and Manga | 0

It is yet again ComiCon week down in San Diego. Yet while the nerd-world’s attention is hyper-focused on the breaking news and goings-on of the convention, its core reason for existence — the comic book industry — is increasingly irrelevant, … Continued

On our 9th Birthday, here’s 9 gifts WE gave the world

posted in: 7 - Ninja Miscelany | 0

Nine years ago this weekend, this site’s first posts went live. We typically celebrate the anniversary of our launch by reposting our first feature — press stills from Akai Kageboshi — but we decided to change things up this year. … Continued


posted in: 8 - News & Notes | 0

We’re saddened by the news of the passing of Wakako Kawagoshi-Fisher, who was a collaborator and model for both From Parts Unknown and the predecessor to this site Ninja80. Condolences to the Fishers and her family in Japan, we’ve lost … Continued