Sonosheets from Japanese eBay – Part 1
It’s not that you can’t win auctions over international eBorders, but it’s a bit logistically tough – there’s the kanji barrier, shipping rates, communication delays over the dateline, etc. and so forth. All these are excuses enough to keep me … Continued
I’m not a video game fan, but I do appreciate the classic character design and old-school design sensibilities of the new multi-platform game Mini Ninjas. Dang, I just appreciate the hell out of any new ninja property that doesn’t have … Continued
More Oshida, with a side of BOHACHI
Thanks to the great Asian Drill Pop photo blog of things good, quirky and naughty for this nifty mag centerfold of Reiko Oshida, whom I’m sure you all fell in love with in this post. Damn she’s cute! Another recent … Continued
Meaty thighs and a taste for steel. She’s a keeper!
Great art by prolific shinobi manga magnate Mitsuteru Yokoyama. Someone throw my a translation, will ya… apart from the headline kanji for ‘ninja’, what are the subheads and copy here?
If only this were MY stuff… A collection of Kagemaru of Iga merch from a Yokoyama art book.
Before “The Master”…
…there was The Last Ninja. Michael Beck, perhaps known best as Swan from The Warriors, was hot on the heels of action masterpieces Warlords of the 21st Century and Megaforce when he made the ahead-of-its-time TV pilot about a lone … Continued
“None Chuck”
Here’s the all-time heavy-weight champeen of politically incorrect – hell outright racist and offensive – 80’s ninja toys: “None Chuck” from CrayArt / Mel Appel’s Weird Ball line. These 5″ vinyl statuettes were a throwback to Marx’s Nutty-Mads from the … Continued
Perhaps the most genius t-shirt ever!
WHY do I say this – check out the ordering page on Threadless. Artist Marco Angeles did something very clever with the red ink placement on this design…
Next time I’m in NYC…
Via Grub Street: She’ll kill you with sword, 800-degree soup, or cuteness…
Kunoichi cover girl
Via Robert Grunzanki – cover from the 1988 ninjutsu book Shononki, possibly the only female cover from the 80’s craze books. That mission gear is pink or purple, as she’s actually a tour guide / theme park character from the … Continued