It’s a sword. Hold it like one, dammit!
I just adore this article by my pal Maria Alexander — “Why I Hate (Most) Photos and Drawings of Women with Swords.” Read it. RIGHT NOW. I’ll wait. There are dozens of tumblrs out there dedicated to babes-n-blades, and they … Continued
Happy 4th Anniversay, Darlings…
Every year we celebrate the site’s birthday by reposting the very first thing we ever did — a look at vintage press still from Akai Kageboshi. AKAI KAGEBOSHI – the other ‘red shadow’ (originally published June 7, 2009) Can a … Continued
Aint no Ninja in this Dragon’s Den!
[Sing that title like an old blues number] Back in the craze daze, we were all victims of “Shinobified” movie titles — kung-fu flicks, often from the 70’s, with no ninja content whatsoever shamelessly retitled to the likes of Fist of Ninja, Dragon … Continued
I’ve said repeatedly here that the wild and unknown territory that is generic and bootleg figure collecting affords a lot more joy of discovery and amazing mutated finds than tracking down better known and licensed collectibles from the past. The … Continued
Review: NINJA: THE MISSION FORCE — parody executed with more skill than its source
What do you do with a half-dozen mail-order ninja suits, some black eye-liner, a few friends willing to tumble around a public park like idiots and a heap of public domain films? Well, in the 80s if you were Godfrey … Continued
VN REVISITED: A ‘Tonbei the Mist’ Primer
I reposted this fantastic publicity still of Maki Fuyukichi as Tonbei the Mist from Greg Newman over at the Facebook “The Samurai” Group. Got a lot of attention, so I thought this would be a good time to revisit a … Continued
FIVE ELEMENT NINJA African marketing
This amazingness from the mobile “cinemas” of Ghana, Africa is on eBay right now, for a steal, too! Plenty more goodness here, as well!
Superbly sculpted and detailed 6-9″ figures from Toy Crowd (2001) of Shiranui and Shouki from the 1988 effects-romp we know as Cyber Ninja. I dig these toys as much as I do the film, an indie that spends its modest budget … Continued
Navarro Ninja
So I was having dinner with my pal, the uber-talented Rafael Navarro, and we were musing on what a ninja would look like if drawn by the legendary Jack Kirby. He whipped this off on a napkin, and seeing as … Continued
Little known fact – American Ninja is the only 80s boom film to have properly licensed mass-produced merchandise. These grocery store / pharmacy register tchotchkes were obviously for kids, despite being branded with the an R-rated film’s imagery. A “two-penny-toy” … Continued