To hell with summer vacation, spend your ninja dollars here instead!
Two new projects I want to highlight immediately before you people go and spend your money on Disneyland or Six Flags or other sorts of respectable family activities instead of on gratuitous ninja stuff like you should be… Pasadena, California’s … Continued
Goin’ COMMANDO: British ninja pulp at its finest
Britain’s military history somewhat mirrors Japans in as much as they had a long period of feudal warfare with an armored elite class of warriors, but also had a historically famous commando tradition. This may only have gone back as … Continued
VN’s holiday gift-to-yourself guide
Well, it’s that time of year again, when, let’s face it… we buy a ton of gifts for ourselves because no one else understands our NEED for more ninja stuff! So here’s some recommendations, all of which I own or … Continued
In the right hands, crayons can be deadly
Repeated numerous times on this site, here’s another great example of the real strength of the ninja — genericness! You didn’t need to pay licensing fees to any property owner, no actor likeness negotiated, no corporate branding to reinforce sales… … Continued
South-of-the-Border Shinobi
¡Holá Amigos! The ninja craze may have been a fusion of Japanese martial and cinematic traditions filtered through American 1980s pop culture, but it spread to every civilized corner of the globe and no geographic or linguistic market was spared … Continued
Looking forward to lucky 13…
We launched this site 13 years ago today, and despite the fact I’m constantly prodded with that “no one reads websites anymore” notion, I don’t care, this right here is where the new e-content is always going to manifest. Whenever … Continued
Great ways to spend those ninja dollars…
There are some nifty new ninja and ninja-adjacent opportunities at hand to lighten your wallet folks: I was delighted with the positive and supportive tone of Austin Trunick‘s first volume of The Cannon Film Guide (as reviewed here) and this … Continued
A 1960 Ninja Version of ‘Man in the Iron Mask’ Has Surfaced!
Once in a (sadly, increasingly seldom) while, an old ninja movie never before available will surface out of Japan, and man do we have a shiny new toy to play with this month!!! Daiei’s Koga no Misshi — coined “Wrath … Continued
I have great appreciation for a new worthy cause to wipe out some trees, and as an author, book designer and marketing pro myself, These Fists Break Bricks hits me in all three of my hearts! For starters, this 330+ … Continued
Finders of the Lost Ninja
So here you are, thinking you’ve seen and collected it all, and between decades of official releases, budget box sets, bootlegs and streaming rips, you’ve nigh-completed the finite genre that is the 80’s ninja film. Then labels like AGFA and … Continued